Our Videos

Below you can find a few of our video presentations.

Safe removal of batteries and accumulators

Customer rating:
2.75 / 5.0
2 Customer ratings

FlexES Control rack system for industrial applications

The industry-typical design of the 19-inch rack system offers the possibility of designing the fire alarm control panel FlexES Control (EN54 & FM approved) for all imaginable applications in a space-saving manner.

Customer rating:
4.87 / 5.0
12 Customer ratings

ENscape Conventional Audible Visual Devices

The ENscape AV range doesn’t just offer regulatory compliance to new EN54-23 Standards for Audible Visual Alarm Devices; it enhances on-site safety for all building occupants and delivers fast and intuitive installation. Devices are designed to deliver outstanding omni-directional light and sound performance combined with high quality, reliability and extended operational life.

Customer rating:
4.87 / 5.0
9 Customer ratings

Fire Control Transponder

The FCT (Fire Control Transponder) is used for the monitoring and operation of fire control systems such as ventilation, pressure monitor pumps, extinguishing agent sprinklers, fire dampers, smoke control flaps, elevators and many more. Take a look!

Customer rating:
4.93 / 5.0
8 Customer ratings

FlexES Control

Have a look how safely and easily is done the installation of the Fire Alarm Control Panel FlexES Control, in only a few steps.

Customer rating:
2.75 / 5.0
18 Customer ratings


Targeted evacuation measures in combination with effective fire prevention methods are critical in order to lead people out of the danger zone as quickly as possible. The video animation gives a short insight into the combination of suitable measures and technologies for evacuation

Customer rating:
2.94 / 5.0
19 Customer ratings

FAAST - new technology in aspiration systems

The market for aspiration detection is changing. Once the remit of clean rooms and data centres, it is now becoming the technology of choice for industrial locations, airports, warehouses, shopping developments and even power generation and nuclear facilities. This is thanks to sophisticated filtration and optics technologies which deliver high sensitivity detection with the highest levels of false alarm immunity, opening the door to many other applications where smoke detection was difficult or impossible

Customer rating:
3.92 / 5.0
9 Customer ratings

Compact – the professional Fire Alarm Control Panel for smaller buildings

The Compact Fire Alarm Control Panel inspires with its variety of possible applications – whether as stand-alone solution for buildings or enhanced with special components, such as the FAAST smoke aspiration system. The esserbus-PLus loop enables the integration of all detectors and alarm devices of the IQ8Quad family. No additional training for the functionalities of the periphery is necessary, which offers a clear advantage to both VARs, installers and technicians. Storage cost is minimized and availability is guaranteed. The use of Compact saves time and money for all involved parties.

Customer rating:
4.46 / 5.0
11 Customer ratings

ES Detect - much more than a conventional detector

ES Detect is a microprocessor controlled non addressable fire detector setting new scales for use in conventional areas: in addition to intelligent algorithm for early detection the innovative product has an integrated drift compensation.
The DIN 14675 demanded operation time of the detector can thus be extended from 5 to 8 years.

Customer rating:
4.65 / 5.0
13 Customer ratings

Comprio - easy to install

The new voice alarm system VARIODYN D1 Comprio includes all the functionalities of a professional voice alarm system compliant with DIN EN 54-16, including voice storage capability without additional hardware. The compact system is particularly suitable for small and medium-sized applications such as schools, hotels, supermarkets, offices and agencies. Have a look yourself at how easy it is to install.

Customer rating:
4.80 / 5.0
10 Customer ratings

FlexES Guard

Professional danger management systems now offer many more options than they did just a few years ago. New developments such as the FlexES Guard standardize different software platforms (e.g. from the areas of fire detection technology, voice alarm systems and hospital communication systems) and
incorporate functions from the areas of facilities maintenance and service. It is difficult for complex safety structures to function without such developments.

Customer rating:
4.24 / 5.0
14 Customer ratings


In terms of fire prevention monitoring systems, industrial applications require individual solutions that can be employed in a diverse range of situations. The following short film will shed some light on the possible solutions.

Customer rating:
4.70 / 5.0
6 Customer ratings

VARIODYN D1 Loop Technology

Manufacturers of voice alarm systems and electroacoustic emergency warning systems are working increasingly on a ring loop technology for a 100V speaker connection. Just as is the case for fire detection technology, a ring that is resistant to both wire breakage and short circuiting is being constructed.
The speaker ring must carry a significantly greater amount of energy. As such, there are fundamental differences between the two technologies in terms of the the electricity that is to be transferred and that is to be switched. This results in new requirements of the ring loop technology arising for VAS.

Customer rating:
2.98 / 5.0
10 Customer ratings