Portable test and configuration tool with touch screen
The test and configuration tool can recognize all esserbus / esserbus-PLus loop devices and ES Detect devices installed on a spur, whether already configured or new. POL-ESS TOUCH is a small, light, handheld device. The tool is “standalone”, which means it can be connected to a loop from any point without a laptop or service PC, without additional loop interface and without mains connection.
It is easy and intuitive to use, thanks to the color touch screen with its user-friendly icons and clear, automated, one-touch functions. The loop display clearly identifies the status, position and number of loop components, and makes it easy to check the device status.
Efficient work and lower installation costs
Even without a fire alarm panel installed esserbus / esserbus-PLus can be read, installed devices configured and tested. Installation faults like cable breaks, short circuits, earth faults or polarity failures can be identified and resolved quick and early. The loop map feature helps to easily verify the installation order of devices. The tool displays and the loop log file includes detailed information on the status of the devices.
This test and configuration tool reduces both installation cost and labor cost. The installation will be much more efficient and time spent on resolving faults will be minimized.
Improved efficiency in the systems commissioning process
Once the loops are fault free and configured, the data can be saved on the test and configuration tool internal memory. Later in the office this data can be read easily with tools 8000 service and commissioning software from the memory by using a USB cable.
Commissioning engineers, which are probably one of the most valuable people in the business, are now able to commission the whole system completely offline from the installation and fire alarm panel, including setup of zones, outputs, alarm devices, labels and programming the cause and effect engine.
- Portable test and configuration tool
- Intuitive user-friendly color touch screen
- Testing and localization of loop faults
- Detailed information and device control
- Internal memory and USB port for connection to PC
- Compatible with esserbus / esserbus-Pkus and ES Detect
- Loop file compatible with tools 8000
- Up to 6 hours mains free operation with full charged batteries
- Efficient installation, minimize the costs
- Reduced time spent on resolving faults
- Improved efficiency in Fire System commissioning